

5 Language Learning Tips From a Polyglot

  As a polyglot/language nerd, I've spent years of my life learning different languages for fun! Below, I've compiled a list of the absolute best 5 ways to efficiently learn a new language, regardless of your experience or difficulty of your target language.  1.  Input As Much As Possible. The reason little kids learn languages so quickly is because their brains are wired to constantly input information. By downloading as much of your target language into your brain as possible- music, movies, audio, books- your brain starts normalizing the sounds of the new language. Subconsciously, your brain cracks the language like a code and you begin to familiarize yourself with words and phrases. So before you even try speaking or writing a language, (and after you’re fluent!) read and listen.  2.  Focus on Grammar EARLY I cannot emphasize this enough. Understanding sentence structure early is a MAJOR hack into learning a language quickly. Now, I don’t mean to master the ...

Cannabis and the Brain

  Positive Effects of Cannabis on the Brain Grow 8 Ounces of Cannabis At Home in 80 Days! 🍃 Learn more here Brain Waves The best way to understand the effects of cannabis on the brain is to first understand the different types of brainwaves.  First there are  Theta Waves . These brainwaves have a slower frequency but a great amplitude, causing us to feel spacey and in a daydream-like state.  Next we have  Delta Waves , which are the brainwaves present in our neocortex while we’re unconscious or asleep, but in non-REM sleep. Then there are  Beta Waves  which are brainwaves present while we are awake, but during a lack of activity or movement, such as in a resting state or right before sleep. Gamma Waves  are present when we are multitasking or solving a problem. We feel wide awake and are mentally cognitive.  Finally there are  Alpha Waves , taking place when we are fully present- during meditation, creative thinking, or aerobic exercise...

Tarot Care 101: Getting to Know Your Tarot Cards

  Advancing Your Divination Practice: Getting to Know Your Tarot Cards  ♥️ You may be wondering how divination, particularly reading cards, encourages inner growth. The clarity in which your tools can pick up energy depends a lot on how you care and nurture them- just like anything else in life! Keep reading to learn more about the use and care of your divination tools, primarily tarot cards.   Tarot readings allow one to gain a higher perspective on any given situation. While, yes, divinatory practices can predict the future, it is important to understand the ripple effect that every free-willed choice has on the future. For predicting outcomes, taking planned action, or gaining clarity and insight, tarot can be a beautiful art form which seeks to enlighten and support the Querent. Apart from predicting the future and bringing objective/unbiased perspective, tarot is also a powerful form of mediumship to Spirits, Ancestors, Guides, Angels and more. A being may openly pre...