
Cannabis and the Brain


Positive Effects of Cannabis on the Brain

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Brain Waves

The best way to understand the effects of cannabis on the brain is to first understand the different types of brainwaves. 

First there are Theta Waves. These brainwaves have a slower frequency but a great amplitude, causing us to feel spacey and in a daydream-like state. 

Next we have Delta Waves, which are the brainwaves present in our neocortex while we’re unconscious or asleep, but in non-REM sleep.

Then there are Beta Waves which are brainwaves present while we are awake, but during a lack of activity or movement, such as in a resting state or right before sleep.

Gamma Waves are present when we are multitasking or solving a problem. We feel wide awake and are mentally cognitive. 

Finally there are Alpha Waves, taking place when we are fully present- during meditation, creative thinking, or aerobic exercise. These brainwaves can be stimulated by doing or learning something we are passionate about. 

  So, What are the positive effects of cannabis on your brain?

Smoking cannabis induces a meditative present state by desynchronizing the gamma and theta waves in your brain, and instead increasing the amount of Alpha waves in your brain- synchronizing Theta and Alpha waves. This results in higher levels of creativity, mental clarity, and memory retention. Considered the best brainstate for learning and productivity, Alpha waves actually help our brain to fight depression and anxiety. These waves are present in the occipital cortex during meditation, and similarly increases the daily average amount of brain activity for regular consumers. THC is a special chemical that has the ability to induce a heightened meditative state while also having incredible physical medical benefits, including  treating cancer, autism, epilepsy, and depression. If your thoughts are regularly unconscious (ie. not present) or if you don’t practice meditation, it may feel unusual to experience deep focus and calmness accompanied by heightened brain activity. But with practice, one can leverage these holistic tools to heal the mind, spirit, and body.

 Mother Earth provides us with a beautiful flower to connect us with the ethereal healing realm. This herb invites us to look within ourselves and synchronize our spiritual bodies with our earthly bodies. You can honor the cannabis plant with habitual meditation, affirmations, and intention setting to achieve a higher level of consciousness and an intensified focus on the present. Used consciously, there are positive effects of cannabis on the brain-  granting enlightenment upon those who wish to seek it out. 

Interested in cultivating your own cannabis?

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