
Tarot Care 101: Getting to Know Your Tarot Cards


Advancing Your Divination Practice: Getting to Know Your Tarot Cards ♥️

You may be wondering how divination, particularly reading cards, encourages inner growth. The clarity in which your tools can pick up energy depends a lot on how you care and nurture them- just like anything else in life! Keep reading to learn more about the use and care of your divination tools, primarily tarot cards.  

Tarot readings allow one to gain a higher perspective on any given situation. While, yes, divinatory practices can predict the future, it is important to understand the ripple effect that every free-willed choice has on the future. For predicting outcomes, taking planned action, or gaining clarity and insight, tarot can be a beautiful art form which seeks to enlighten and support the Querent. Apart from predicting the future and bringing objective/unbiased perspective, tarot is also a powerful form of mediumship to Spirits, Ancestors, Guides, Angels and more. A being may openly present itself through the cards, or the querent may request the support of other worldly or dimensional beings. 


The clearer a channel one can provide the cards with, the finer tuned the energy will be. This clarifies any misunderstood messages, any experiences trapped in the subconscious, or any synchronicities to look out for. Tarot cards depict numerous forms of symbology therefore creating a universally understood “language” to shed light upon a certain energy. If tarot isn't your thing, oracle cards and divination dice can be just as insightful in receiving guided messages. Remember, the universe makes no mistakes- each message that finds you was meant to do so whether it resonates in that particular moment or is a manifestation of a future energy linked to your own. 

While sometimes it can be hard to decipher this code, divination can instantly manifest a tangible explanation of the energy at hand. This is why it's important to also cleanse and charge your tools as well. Just as you might get drained from working too much or being in the sunlight too little, your channeling tools can feel the same. The channels can build up old energy either over time or after encountering a particularly strong energy. They can also become less synchronized with you and feel tired if they are not fresh, ready to receive any new energy. 

Spending time with your cards and other tools before you use them can help them bond to your energy more. This allows the energies to merge soundly and create a common understanding between you. Treat your tools as you would a plant, a pet or a lover and take the time to check in with how they are feeling. Make sure they are energetically balanced, getting sunlight and feeling the love! Treat them to a crystal or reiki session, cleanse them with sage or another cleansing incense, and keep them physically clean. Don’t keep them in the same place for too long, and don’t let random energies get their hands on them- they’re yours! Sharing is caring, but only hand your cards to someone you trust reading your Akashic records. 

Energy does not move unless influenced by an external force, and someone with psychometry or divination skills could do some damage with someone else’s sacred items, regardless of the intention. Make sure to keep your tools protected at all times. Great ways to do this are with salt, salt water, protective crystals (tiger eye, kyanite, tourmaline), or good old fashioned magic. I have an oracle deck that loves when I say nice things to it, and a tarot deck that gets particularly shy around candlelight. Allow yourself to sensitize to their energy. Synchronize with them and get to know them. Your guides and ancestors are calling… Will you answer?

To book a Reiki Session or Personal Reading, email Namaste! 


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